6-year-old Boy Dies In A Project Puddle, The Police Open Up The Possibility Of A Lippo Group Employee Being A Suspect

TANGERANG - Jatiuwung Police will investigate the death of AM (6), a boy who died while playing in a pit excavated by PT Lippo Group in Sangereng Village, Cibodas, Tangerang City.

The Head of Jatiuwung Police, Kompol Zazali Hariyono, said that in the tragedy PT Lippo Group might have been named a suspect.

"We'll see later, this problem is due to negligence. In the meantime, what we are doing is not intentional from certain people, from his dirty friends, we haven't found them yet. We are still investigating", said Zazali when contacted, Thursday, January 27.

Zazali also said that his party would call and check the PT Lippo Group employees who were at the location at the time of the incident.

"(Inspection of PT Lippo Group employees) Yes, we will call later", he continued.


AM died when he was playing with his friends in a puddle that was excavated by PT Lippo Group. At that time, the workers were said to be resting.

"So it's called water. The kid is playing with his friend, he doesn't know he's falling but his friend can't help him", said Zazali.

He also said that his party was investigating the case. Several people have been investigated, starting from the RT to the PT Lippo Group.

"Yes, we have checked several people. That's why we immediately examined those people. The investigation is still ongoing", he said.