Upload Again Old Video Ustaz Haikal Hassan Dreams Of Meeting The Prophet, Gun Romli: Lies, Blind Fanatic Defending Rizieq

JAKARTA - An old video of Secretary General Habib Rizieq Shihab Center (HRS Center) Haikal Hassan meeting the Prophet Muhammad SAW is circulating on the Twitter social media homepage. The video that was excited in 2020 was re-uploaded by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist Mohamad Guntur Romli.

The testimony of Haikal Hassan meeting the Prophet Muhammad in a dream was revealed when he was with the families of victims of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) army. While holding back tears, Haikal asked the family to calm down because the victim is currently with the Prophet.

"I was crying profusely, By Allah at this time of rain, suddenly the Messenger of Allah came and he held the hand of my son Umar. By Allah, he held the hand of my son Salma. He said to me, don't be afraid, don't worry, said Rasulullah, Salma and Umar was with me. By Allah, I heard the Messenger of Allah say that in my ears," said Haikal Hassan in the video.

Gun Romli, Guntur Romli's nickname, also gave a hint of Haikal Hasan's confession. According to him, this story is a lie to defend the 6 FPI Laskars who were killed.

"Haikal Hassan's lies about bringing up the name of Rasulullah SAW only to defend 6 FPI Laskars who died because of blind fanatics defending Rizieq and against police officers," quipped Gun Romli on Twitter, @GunRomli, Thursday, January 27.

Due to the excitement of this dream, Haikal Hasan was reported to the Polda Metro Jaya and questioned by investigators. Haikal Hasan said the testimony of a dream to meet the Prophet was solely to comfort the bereaved family of the victim.

"Then I comfort the parents whose children died in the incident at KM50, don't grieve and be sad, your child is with the Messenger of Allah. Hopefully, God willing. Then is this wrong?" said Haikal Hasan.