Sports Experts Assume LADI Need A Supervisory Team Although Free From WADA Sanctions
JAKARTA – Sports expert Abdul Sukur believes that the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) needs an internal temporary monitoring team even though it will be freed from sanctions by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
The vice-chancellor III of the State University of Jakarta said that the task of the national anti-doping agency had not been completed even though Indonesia had been declared compliant with WADA.
"So that this doesn't happen again in the future, I think there needs to be a supervisory and mentoring team," Abdul said as quoted by Antara.
The supervisory team can later be formed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The task of the supervisory team is to ensure that LADI can work in accordance with WADA standards.
"In the future, LADI must be independent, professional, and modern because this is an important aspect in supporting Indonesian sports achievements," said Abdul.
WADA plans to lift sanctions against Indonesia early next month. This is shorter than the one-year duration since it was dropped on October 7, 2021.
WADA conveyed the plan to lift the sanctions in their letter to the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) on Friday, January 14.
Indonesia was sanctioned for not meeting WADA standards. In a statement dated October 7, they stated that the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) as the program implementer failed to meet the annual target number of doping tests.
The letter contained important items, one of which was to prohibit Indonesia from flying the Red and White flag at sporting events.
In addition, there is also a prohibition for Indonesia to host regional, continental, and international sports championships.