The Suspect Andi Irfan Jaya Is Detained By The AGO At The KPK Detention Center

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has arrested Andi Irfan Jaya as a suspect in connection with the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra will not be executed in the Bank Bali case. Andi Irfan will be detained at the KPK detention center.

"The person concerned (Andi Irfan) in his capacity as a suspect will be detained with the detention type of detention starting today and will be placed in the KPK state detention center," Head of the Attorney General's Office of Legal Information, Hari Setiyono, told reporters, Wednesday, September 2.

For this placement, the AGO coordinates with the KPK. His detention starts today.

"This means that we are coordinating to place the AI suspect and detain the detention center at the KPK detention center starting today," said Hari.

Andi Irfan is suspected of being involved in the fatwa arrangement at the Supreme Court. The AGO recently called this effort unsuccessful.

"The role of the appointed suspect, AI, is that there is an allegation of an evil consensus carried out by the alleged PSM (Pinangki) and JST (Djoko Tjandra) prosecutors in handling the fatwa," said Hari.

It is suspected that the prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari received 500 thousand US dollars from Djoko Tjandra, who handed over it through Andi Irfan.

"Since the beginning we have conveyed that the allegation is around 500 thousand USD, the allegation was accepted by Prosecutor P, but whether it was accepted directly, was it a third person, the investigators determined one more person. It was through (Andi Irfan) that this money arrived, ”he continued.

According to Hari, Andi Irfan has the status of a private party. But the private party did not explain it.

"We don't know (daily work), but it is suspected that he is a private person," said Hari.