Cage At Langkat Regent's House Called A Rehabilitation Site, Member Of Commission III DPR: Police Don't Just Make Conclusions

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) from the United Development Party (PPP) faction, Arsul Sani, asked the police not to conclude that the reason for the existence of a human cage in the house of the Regent of Langkat is not active.

This request was submitted in response to a statement by the North Sumatran Police which stated that the human cage was a place of rehabilitation for drug addicts. Arsul said this statement should be issued after the investigation is complete.

"The police should not conclude whether or not there was a criminal act before completing the investigation," Arsul told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 26.

He said the National Police had a duty to investigate whether there was a criminal element or not from the findings of the cage. Moreover, this case has become public attention.

Even if the cage is used for drug rehabilitation, according to Arsul, this cannot be justified. Because, the existence of the place does not have a permit so an investigation must be carried out.

"From what developed in the news, that it was made to help in the rehabilitation of drug addicts, but it was without a permit," said the Deputy General Chair of the PPP. As previously reported, Migrant Care mentioned the alleged existence of a human cage at Terbit Plan's house was a report from Public. In addition to being locked up, the dozens of people received seven cruel and inhumane treatments.

The seven cruel treatments included Terbit building a prison or human cage in his house to accommodate oil palm workers, the workers were not allowed to go anywhere, beaten, fed improperly twice a day, and were not paid when working in Tebit's oil palm plantations.

In addition, they also do not have access to communication with other parties. Based on these allegations, this group has reported to Komnas HAM which was followed up by sending an investigation team to North Sumatra.