PLN Brings Good News, Throughout 2021 Successfully Reduced Total Debt By IDR 32 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN claims to have succeeded in reducing the amount of debt by Rp. 32 trillion throughout 2021. So, the total debt of PLN is currently around Rp. 430 trillion.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that the reduced debt of up to Rp32 trillion showed that the company was successful in managing debt well.

"So here, even though there is a pandemic, we can manage our debt well, so that our interest bearing debt at the beginning of this year fell from IDR 450 trillion to IDR 430 trillion," he said in a meeting with Commission VII DPR, Wednesday, January 26.

Although the debt burden is reduced, the Ministry of SOEs as the shareholder has directed that PLN continue to reduce capital expenditure (capex) this year. But unfortunately, Darmawan did not specify how much capex should be reduced.

On this occasion, Darmawan also revealed that there are six programs that will be realized by PLN this year. The six programs include improving capital income and improving an electrifying lifestyle, as well as operating efficiency and investment.

Then, Darmawan continued, developing ESG and energy transition, managing corporate structure and unlocking business portfolio value, increasing kWh sales and kWh costs as well as developing digitalization and management systems to accelerate transformation.

"We are also building a management system to accelerate the transformation. So here, not only technology and digital systems, but also human resources, only the business process, we also change the culture," he said.