The Shopping Complex At Simpang Bombat Palembang Caught Fire, The Fire Was Still Blazing 6 Fire Trucks Were Deployed

PALEMBANG - A fire broke out in a shopping complex located at Simpang Bombat, Jalan Musi Raya, Sialang Village, Sako District, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province, Wednesday, January 26 at noon.

According to residents at the scene, the fire occurred at around 13.29 WIB.

Six fire engines, as reported by Antara, have been dispatched to the location of the fire in a densely populated area. Firefighters are still trying to extinguish the blaze that has covered the building in the shopping complex.

Police and TNI officers as well as health volunteers and sub-district government officials are on standby in the vicinity of the fire.

Government officials asked residents to approach the fire site to avoid a possible explosion.

The buildings that caught fire in the shopping complex included a restaurant, a cell phone accessories counter, and an animal feed stall. Until now, efforts to extinguish the fire are still ongoing.