Facts You Need To Know So Far About Human Cage At Langkat Regent's House

JAKARTA - The silent work of the KPK team has not only succeeded in dismantling the alleged corruption of the inactive Langkat Regent, the Warring Wind Plan has been published. More than that. The existence of a prison-like cage in the Terbit Plan Warin Angin's house revealed that there were allegations of slavery practices happening.

The finding that caused a stir in the republic was fairly accidental. So when they searched for the existence of the 'Warning Angin Plan' at his house, the KPK team had already seen the horrendous human cage.

The problem was that the KPK team at that time had the main task of capturing the Publishing of the Wind War Plan. That's what makes the KPK not focus and more swiftly looking for evidence of the affair and the existence of Terbit. Luckily, the KPK still had time to document the existence of the cage in the Terbit house. Thus, this institution is ready to provide its findings if needed by other law enforcers.

And sure enough. Some time after Terbit became a suspect, this problem eventually dominated more than the alleged corruption case.

It's been happening for 10 years

Based on the results of information gathering so far, the cage has been in the house of Terbit Warin Angin for years. The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, said the existence of the prison-like building had existed since 2012. In which, there were 2 prison-like buildings.

During the search by the KPK, the cage was filled. At least, there are 27 people who are in the prison-like building.

In addition, based on a temporary investigation, the cage was used for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. However, this matter is still being investigated.

Based on the results of the initial investigation, he said the building resembling a detention room is located on a 1 hectare land, there is a building measuring 6 x 6 meters which is divided into two rooms with a capacity of approximately 30 people.

Meanwhile, between rooms are limited by iron bars like a cell building.

The joint team, continued Brigadier General Ramadhan, conducted a search by asking the building guards for information.

Alleged Human Trafficking

Police Headquarters also intervened on the findings of this cage. In-depth attention was also given to thoroughly investigate the existence of the prison-like cage.

In fact, the Police will also explore whether there is a connection with human trafficking. Because there is a lot of confusion about this.

In fact, on a different occasion, the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak invited people who felt disadvantaged to make an official report. The report also relates to allegations of modern slavery.

Employed in a Palm Oil Mill

Some of the people who were trapped by the Regent of Langkat, who were not active during the publication of the Warring Angin Plan, were employed at the Regent's palm oil mill with the intention of providing the trained residents with skills after being released from coaching. But they said they were not paid because they were under construction.

Regarding the alleged slavery, Ramadhan said that the North Sumatra Police were still investigating. However, those who underwent training in the room were brought by their parents themselves and the submission was accompanied by a statement letter.

Migrant Care Findings

The Indonesian Association for Sovereign Migrant Workers, Migrant Care, revealed that 40 palm oil workers who were locked up in the house of the inactive Langkat Regent, Terbit Plan Warin Angin, were subjected to cruel treatment.

This was conveyed by Migrant Care representative, Anis Hidayah when reporting this condition to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM). He said the human cage to this cruel treatment was opened when the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensnared Terbit Plan in a sting operation (OTT).

"There are oil palm workers who work in their fields. In fact, we found seven cruel treatments suspected of being a form of modern slavery and human trafficking," said Anis at the Komnas HAM Office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 24.

Anis then detailed the seven cruel treatment of dozens of oil palm plantation workers. First, they were locked in an iron cage like an iron prison that was locked on the outside.

He said the iron cage became a place to accommodate workers in oil palm plantations. "Thirdly, they don't have access anywhere," he said.

The Regent of Terbit also looks after protected animals

The North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) secures a rare orangutan at the Langkat Regent's private house, North Sumatra, after the issuance of the Wind War Plan. Plh Head of North Sumatra BBKSDA, Irzal said, endangered species protected by law have now been confiscated.

Irzal was reluctant to reveal other rare animals that were confiscated from the house of the Terbit Regent. He admitted that the confiscation of endangered animals was carried out when the KPK and his party searched Terbit's house.