One Child In Surabaya Dies Of DHF

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Health Office confirmed the death of a child in the RW 10 area of Menur Pumpungan Village, Sukolilo District, City of Heroes, East Java, due to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

Head of the Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes) Nanik Sukristina said the results of the search for children who died from DHF in the Menur Pumpunan area, namely that there was a statement confirming the cause of death from the hospital was circulation failure and MODS.

"The results of further confirmation of the case were indeed found to be a positive confirmed patient for DHF based on laboratory results on January 24, 2022," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

According to him, previously on January 22, 2022, the patient had also been subjected to laboratory tests with normal results. "However, it turns out that changes in the patient's clinical condition are rapidly changing," he said.

In addition, he said, the Surabaya Health Office also moved quickly to deal with dozens of dengue cases in the RW 10 area of Menur Pumpungan Village. In fact, the Surabaya Health Office has conducted an epidemiological investigation in the Menur Pumpungan area.

Nanik confirmed that his party had conducted an epidemiological investigation related to reports of 15 children who were infected with dengue fever in the RW 10 Menur Pumpungan area. The results found that there were 4 cases of DHF, and only 1 suspect with fever symptoms but laboratory results were in normal conditions.

"We immediately referred one suspected patient to the Haji Hospital for more intensive monitoring. He has also been treated intensively. In addition, there were no other confirmed cases of dengue fever," said Nanik.

Therefore, he said, considering the rapid changes in the clinical condition of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever patients, it is hoped that the public will immediately carry out routine laboratory examinations for cases of fever more than 3 days, of course with symptoms that lead to dengue infection such as headache, nausea, muscle aches, pain. behind the eyeball and the presence of red patches on the skin.

"If you have a positive diagnosis of dengue fever, you should immediately report to the nearest health center or village or sub-district to immediately carry out an epidemiological investigation, namely searching for fever sufferers and checking for mosquito larvae that transmit dengue in the patient's house and surrounding houses within a radius of 100 meters," he said.