The Central The Indonesian National Sports Committee Prepares 2022 Work Program Aligned With DBON Goals
JAKARTA – The Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) will prepare a work program for 2022 that is in line with the goals of the National Sports Grand Design (DBON). These programs include competition and increased training.
This was conveyed by the General Chair of KONI Marciano Norman after holding a coordination meeting with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) in Jakarta on Tuesday, January 25.
"The priority is the development of sports achievements in accordance with those determined by DBON. We pay attention to the number of competitions, then the training system, the recruitment system so that in the future the results will answer DBON's expectations," said Norman, quoted from the official KONI website.
The KONI work program will later become an integral part of planning sports activities for the next year. In addition, it will be integrated with planning at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Menpora Zainudin Amali said that he would review the program and activity plans submitted by KONI before making evaluations and holding meetings.
"We will provide support, but the end must be safe for all. If there are difficulties, please consult us, we will provide assistance so that they are in synergy with the government. We will not allow the organization to have problems, including for sports," said Amali.
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The sports that are the focus of DBON are divided into four parts, namely the first seeded, second-seeded, third-seeded, and strategic sports.
For seed one filled with badminton, weightlifting, archery, boxing, and long cliffs. Followed by the second seed, namely athletics, taekwondo, sand volleyball, rowing, and shooting.
In the third seed, there are bicycle racing, karate, fencing, tennis, and wushu. Meanwhile, strategic sports include athletics, swimming, and gymnastics.