Teras Narang Asks People To Calm And Obey The Law To Respond To Edy Mulyadi Who Is Allegedly Insults To Kalimantan

PALANGKA RAYA - Chairman of the Advisory Council for the National Dayak Indigenous Peoples (MADN) Agustin Teras Narang invites and asks the people on the island of Kalimantan to remain calm and wise in responding to Edy Mulyadi's statement which allegedly insults and demeans the forest and the people of Kalimantan.

Edy Mulyadi will now face legal proceedings for the alleged hate speech case for naming Kalimantan, the location of the new state capital, as a place for genies to throw children away.

"The people of Kalimantan who are very law-abiding, of course, need to maintain a conducive situation and respect the entire legal process for the alleged insult," Teras Narang said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

"Even so, we hope that law enforcement will follow up on community reports according to applicable procedures, complete investigations and investigations, until the next process according to applicable legal provisions," he continued.

The former president of MADN also hopes that all parties will be wise in conveying sentimental statements, even though they have different political interests. This moment, also known as Teras Narang, should be a lesson for all parties not to take the life of the diverse Indonesian people for granted.

Moreover, continued Teras Narang, for the Dayak indigenous people who have always lived, built civilization, and maintained a harmonious life with nature in the forest.

"The wealth of natural forest resources in Kalimantan, not only supports the Dayak indigenous people, but also drives the development of this country, and even the world," said the Governor of Central Kalimantan for the 2005-2015 period.

According to the DPD member, the natural wealth of coal and oil and gas from Kalimantan's forests has driven the economy, as well as contributed to the availability of oxygen for the life of planet earth. For this reason, it is not surprising that Kalimantan is also called the lungs of the world.

Therefore, Teras Narang invites all parties not to underestimate the forest. Moreover, in Indonesia, there are many other indigenous peoples who depend on the forest for their life and culture. That way, I hope that the debate regarding the Capital of the Archipelago does not eliminate reason and etiquette in dialectics.

"Let's maintain democracy without triggering friction, especially in the nation's situation which still has many challenges due to the pandemic," said Teras Narang.