KSP Angry To Get Information On Human Cages At Langkat Regent's House: Done For Years Without Residents Knowing

JAKARTA - The discovery of a prison in the house of the Regent of Langkat, the issuance of a Plan to Warn the Winds has indeed caused a stir in this country. The Presidential Staff Office through Deputy V Jaleswari Pramodhawardani strongly condemned the news of the alleged slavery practice by the Langkat Regent.

"The Presidential Staff Office strongly condemns the alleged slavery practice by the corruption suspect. The Regent of Langkat publishes a War Plan. We will ensure that the suspect gets the harshest punishment," said Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, in a press release in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 25, quoted from Antara.

KSP also thanked the KPK for taking firm action by conducting an OTT for the Regent of Langkat, so that the inhumane slavery practice was immediately exposed.

"I hope law enforcement officers hear the voices of the people's conscience and sense of justice by severely punishing the perpetrators of corruption and slavery practices," said Jaleswari.

“I don't imagine the crime of slavery being carried out by the Regent of Langkat for years without the public knowing. And this is 2022," he added.

Jaleswari emphasized that the Regent of Langkat's actions violated various laws, including the Criminal Code, the Anti-Torture Law and Law Number 5 of 1998 concerning Ratification of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which was ratified by Indonesia soon after. entered the 1998 reform period.

The National Police formed a joint team related to the discovery of a prison-like cage belonging to the Langkat Regent. The prison building that has existed since 2012 is not licensed. The building was established on the initiative of the Regent and has not been registered and does not have a permit as stipulated in the law.

Based on the results of the initial investigation, the building resembling a detention room is located on a 1 hectare land, there is a building measuring 6 x 6 meters which is divided into two rooms with a capacity of approximately 30 people. Meanwhile, between rooms are limited by iron bars like a cell building.

The joint team continued to search by asking the building guards for information. Based on information from the building guard, he said, it was found that the place was for people who were addicted to drugs. In addition, there is also for juvenile delinquency coaching.

"The occupants were handed over to their families. The families handed them over to the manager for guidance. They are drug addicts and juvenile delinquents," Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan.

In the handover, he continued, the family submitted a statement letter for coaching at the coaching center at the residence of the Langkat Regent.

According to Ramadhan, the number of inmates who were originally 48 people, then the results of the checks left 30 people. Some have been sent home and picked up by their families.

Some of the people who were trapped by the Regent of Langkat, who were not active during the publication of the Warring Angin Plan, were employed at the Regent's palm oil mill with the intention of providing the trained residents with skills after being released from coaching.