Inaugurating The Directors Of PT SMI And PT PII, Sri Mulyani Asks Her People To Dare To Innovate

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani today officially inaugurated Pradana Murti as a member of the Board of Directors of PT SMI replacing M. Ghozie Indra Dalel whose term of office has ended.

In addition, the Minister of Finance also officially appointed Donny Hamdani as a member of the Board of Directors of PT PII to replace Salusra Satria as a member of the Board of Directors of PT PII whose term of office also ended.

On this occasion, the state treasurer said that the pandemic situation had changed business processes. He said, the entire board of directors and commissioners of PT SMI and PT PII should not only do business as usual and must take roles that provide significant added value in carrying out corporate operations.

“Pandemic teaches us that if the most capable of adapting and innovating, then he will also survive. We hope that the new directors will also be able to continue to innovate, bringing the company to a better direction," he said in a statement, Tuesday, January 25.

According to the Minister of Finance, PT SMI and PT PII, whose 100 percent ownership is in the Ministry of Finance, must always have confidence, credibility, and reputation that are balanced with qualified institutional capacities and capabilities.

Especially for PT SMI, he wants improvements to be made, especially in optimizing the distribution of financing to local governments, as well as accelerating geothermal development in accelerating the energy mix target.

"Infrastructure financing must be more creative and innovative so that it can encourage infrastructure development in Indonesia," he said.

As for PT PII, the state treasurer asked that the performance focus be directed to strengthening the guarantee capacity by co-guaranteeing or re-guaranteeing with other parties so that it can guarantee more projects with a bigger multiplier effect.

"The business processes in the insurance sector must be reviewed to produce procedures that are more transparent and accountable but governance is maintained," he said.

To note, PT SMI and PT PII are two fiscal tools formed by the government to encourage the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia. PT SMI focuses on infrastructure financing and financing. Meanwhile, PT PII focuses on infrastructure guarantee.