Residents Support Military Coup, Burkina Faso Government Failed To Handle Radical Groups To Corruption

JAKARTA - Residents of Burkina Faso support the military coup carried out against the Government of President Roch Marc Christian Kabore, assessing that the authorities have failed to address domestic problems, including radical groups.

Burkina Faso's army said on Monday it had ousted President Roch Kabore, suspended the constitution, dissolved the government and the national assembly and closed the country's borders.

Signed by Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba and read by other officials on state television, the announcement said the takeover was nonviolent and that those detained were in a safe location.

The statement was made on behalf of a previously unheard-of entity, the Patriotic Movement for Protection and Recovery, or MPSR, its French acronym.

"The MPSR, which includes all sections of the army, has decided to terminate the post of President Kabore today," he said, citing Reuters January 25.

Burkina Faso military illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/Emilie Iob/VOA)

The announcement cited the deteriorating security situation and what the army described as President Kabore's inability to unite the country and effectively respond to challenges, including the uprising of radical religious groups.

In response to the situation, several hundred residents gathered at the Place de la Nation in central Ouagadougou to show their support for the coup.

"We are very happy. We have been out for two days to support the army. We are behind them," said resident Ibrahim Zare.

President Kabore has faced a wave of protests in recent months amid frustration over the killing of civilians and soldiers by militants, some of whom have links to Islamic State and Al Qaeda.

Radical militants control swathes of Burkina Faso and have forced residents in some areas to adhere to their strict version of Islamic law. Meanwhile, military efforts to quell the insurgency have drained scarce national resources.

Burkina Faso military illustration. (Wikimedia Commons/Emilie Iob/VOA)

Ouagadougou resident Eli Sawagogo said the coup did not surprise him.

"That is to be expected because the country has been in this situation for six years without a real solution to this terrorism. If a coup is the solution, then that is welcome," he said.

Meanwhile, Corinne Dufka, West Africa director at Human Rights Watch, said the Kabore Government has shown itself to be incapable of tackling problems.

"The coup, and the apparent support for it, demonstrates the inability of the Kabore government to address deep-seated problems with corruption, governance and civil protection, all of which are exacerbated exponentially by the threat of armed Islamist radicals," Corinne said.

President Kabore's whereabouts were unknown on Monday, with conflicting reports about the situation.

Earlier, President Kabore's side said he survived the assassination attempt, but gave no details. He also said his private residence had been taken.

Several armored vehicles belonging to the presidential fleet were seen near President Kabore's residence on Monday, loaded with bullets. One of them was covered in blood.

Security sources gave conflicting accounts of President Kabore's situation, with some saying he was detained by coup organizers and others saying forces loyal to him had taken him to a safe location. Reuters could not independently verify the circumstances.