If RCTI's Lawsuit Is Granted, KPI Is Ready To Watch YouTube To Netflix

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has responded to the RCTI and iNews lawsuit in the judicial review of the Broadcasting Law at the Constitutional Court (MK). It is possible that KPI will have the authority to oversee over the top (OTT) services such as Netflix to YouTube.

Central KPI commissioner, Yuliandre Darwis, assessed that the RCTI and iNews lawsuit were trying to protect the public interest in getting quality content. This includes promoting equality of treatment for conventional TV and new media platforms.

"KPI is committed to safeguarding the public interest in obtaining quality content while at the same time encouraging the creative industry to produce content in accordance with the prevailing norms in society," Andre told VOI, Tuesday, September 1.

Andre said, if the lawsuit is granted, his party is ready to carry out surveillance as is done with other broadcasting institutions. However, he explained that the supervision carried out by KPI was to provide guidelines for OTT entities to comply with broadcasting norms in Indonesia. And it's not controlling every content that is produced.

"KPI invites all parties to respect the ongoing legal process and at the same time make this topic a public discourse based on the perspective of proportional argument and prioritizes the interests of the nation," he explained.

He also denied that KPI's supervision would limit the freedom of activity of netizens and creators' content. "Encouraging the creative industry to produce content according to the norms prevailing in society."

KPI wishes

If you remember, the Chairperson of KPI Agung Suprio once said that his institution allows for supervision of new media. This was conveyed at the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission I DPR RI, on February 17.

In the input submitted by KPI to the DPR regarding new media regulations, his party suggested that all new online-based media must register themselves with the government. All new media are also required to broadcast content in accordance with the prevailing norms and regulations in the country.

"As for the monitoring of new media content in the form of audio visuals, be it streaming radio, streaming TV, or video on demand, is carried out by KPI," said Agung, as quoted from the Kominfo website.

If a violation is found in the new media, KPI has the right to warn and reprimand the organizers of the new media. Then, when the organizers do not listen to the warning or reprimand, KPI will provide a recommendation to the Ministry of Communication and Information to block it.