Ministry Of Education And Culture: Face-to-face PAUD Learning Can Start In October

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) stated that face-to-face learning at the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) level in the green and yellow zones can begin in October.

"For the early childhood education level, face-to-face learning for the green and yellow zones will be allowed in October or two months after the face-to-face opening at the other levels," said the Director of PAUD at the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Muhammad Hasbi in a statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 1st

Hasbi explained, to carry out face-to-face learning, the principal must ensure school readiness in meeting health protocols and fill out the school readiness checklist that has been prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

For PAUD in the orange and red zones, the Ministry of Education and Culture has prepared 12 guidelines for teachers to be able to facilitate parents in carrying out learning activities at home.

On that occasion, Hasbi asked parents to keep their children enrolled in the PAUD level even though they still applied the distance education method (PJJ).

"Every Saturday, we hold an online parent sharing class. With this class, we can help parents assist their children in learning during the pandemic," he explained.

Through this sharing class, parents can share the good practices of learning assistance from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hasbi explained, parents can provide assistance to their children during learning through playing with activities at home, creating learning through various play activities, the need for partnerships between teachers and parents, and room arrangement that supports learning through play.

In addition, the partnership between teachers and parents is important to realize the best early childhood education for children.