Inauguration Of Surakarta Legi Market By DPR Chair Puan Maharani, Mayor Of Gibran Also Present

JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) through its subsidiary engaged in the construction sector, namely PT PP URBAN (PP Urban) has completed the Surakarta Legi Market Rehabilitation Work.

On Thursday, January 20, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, inaugurated the Legi Surakarta Market which was symbolically marked by the signing of an inscription. The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Director General of Housing at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Iwan Suprijanto, Expert Staff of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for Field 5 Endra Saleh, Director of Strategic Infrastructure Director-General of Human Settlements KemenPUPR Essy Asiah, Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakosa, Chief of Police Surakarta City Resort Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak.

Then there were also the Head of Central Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure, Cakra Nagara, Surakarta Kodim Commander Letkol Inf Devy Kristiono, Head of the Surakarta District Attorney Amir Akbar Nurul Qomar, PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad, PTPP Building Operations Director Anton Satyo Hendriatmo, PTPP SVP Corporate Secretary Yuyus Juarsa, Director of PP Urban Nugroho Agung Sanyoto, Director of Operations 2 PP Urban Fakhrul Ulum, and representatives of PT Yodya Karya.

Legi Surakarta Market is the largest market in Surakarta City and PP Urban has completed the rehabilitation work of Legi Surakarta Market which has a building area of about 31,072 m2. This market is built on an area of 21,978 m2 which consists of 2 floors of buildings, 1 semi-basement floor, 250 units of Courtyard, 2,190 units of Loss, and 306 units of Kiosks.

The scope of the rehabilitation work for Legi Market Surakarta includes structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical & plumbing works, and infrastructure works. Legi Surakarta Market which has the nickname "The Market that Never Sleeps" carries the concept of Green Building which was adapted according to the technical instructions for building the Director-General of Human Settlements and is expected to be able to minimize the use of electric power so that it is more environmentally friendly.

The Surakarta Legi Market Rehabilitation Project has been carried out by PP Urban since November 2020 and can be completed on time according to a predetermined schedule. With the inauguration of the Surakarta Legi Market, it is hoped that it will be able to foster the interest of the Surakarta community to shop with a more modern and comfortable market feel so that it can increase the economic growth of the Surakarta community as well.

"Together, we will make Legi Market as a symbol of Surakarta's economic revival after the pandemic, improve the local economy, and become an icon of pride for the citizens of Surakarta," said the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Puan Maharani in her remarks, quoted Monday, January 24.

"The development of the Surakarta Legi Market Rehabilitation is in accordance with the President's program to revitalize traditional markets to become hygienic, clean, comfortable, and safe markets for shopping, so I think we will continue with revitalization programs," said the Minister of Public Works and Basuki Hadimuljono Public Housing in his brief statement.

A similar statement was made by the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. "On behalf of the Surakarta City Government, I thank you for the support from various parties, especially the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia for the completion of Legi Market Revitalization," said President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son.

On another occasion, PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad expressed his appreciation to PP Urban who had completed the construction of the Surakarta Legi Market on time according to a predetermined schedule and met expectations and safety aspects.

"Hopefully the Surakarta Legi Market can provide more benefits to the people of Surakarta, especially the traders who have been waiting for the presence of the Surakarta Legi Market with a new face," Novel Arsyad added.