Vice President's Spokesman: Adly Fairuz Is Not Ma'ruf Amin's Grandson, But Sekampung

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Masduki Baidlowi, spoke up about the assumption that Adly Fairuz is the grandson of Ma'ruf Amin. He said, Ma'ruf and Adly Fairuz who are now running as candidates for vice regent of Karawang only come from the same village.

"There is still family relationship, but there is no relationship with grandchildren. So if you say that grandson is not right," Masduki told reporters, Tuesday, September 1.

Masduki explained that he had contacted the family regarding the claim. As a result, it turned out that Adly and Ma'ruf Amin only came from the same village. "After I called the family, so it was Adly and Abah (Vice President Ma'ruf Amin) both from Kresek," he said.

Even so, Masduki stated that the family party so that Ma'ruf Amin did not object to the claim. "The Abah family also has no problem with the developing issues. So, yes, the Vice President feels there is no need to clarify," he said.

"Regarding his candidacy (Adly Fairuz, red) in the local elections, I hope everything goes well," added Masduki.

Previously, PDI Perjuangan gave recommendations for Adly Fairuz who would run as a candidate for deputy regent of Karawang along with Yessy Karya Lianti. Adly is said to be the grandson of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto at that time said that the reason for the recommendation to Adly, who was a pesinron, was not because he had blood relations with Ma'ruf Amin. His party, continued Hasto, saw Adly as a young soso and willing to commit to following the party's nomination process.

In addition, the name Adly Fairuz has also been known by the public, especially since he played in the soap opera Cinta Fitri which was also favored by President BJ Habibie during his lifetime.

"This is for us a good track record and then when we ask together with the candidate, namely Doctor Yessy. As a doctor, the doctor is also trained to understand human values. It is a noble work to treat people who are sick," said Hasto. , Friday, 28 August.

Furthermore, Hasto also mentioned that the Yessy-Adly pair who will advance in the Karawang Pilbup are also suitable partners and are ready to be educated at party schools.