Deadly Accident In Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Police: Driver's Description, Truck Experienced Blong Brakes

JAKARTA - A series of accidents occurred at Simpang Rapak, North Balikpapan, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Where the accident involved dozens of motorized vehicles.

According to a video that has gone viral on social media, the accident occurred on Friday, January 21, at around 06.15 WITA.

The accident began when several vehicles stopped at an intersection waiting for their turn. Not long after, a tronton truck appeared that was traveling at high speed.

However, the truck did not slow down. So, it directly hit all the vehicles in front of it.

The Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Police, Kombes Yusuf Sutejo, who was confirmed about the accident, said that the results of a preliminary investigation into the cause of the accident were because the truck had a failed brake.

"The information that the truck driver experienced a failed brake", said Yusuf when confirmed, Friday, January 20.

Then, based on data collection as many as a dozen vehicles were hit by the truck driver. In fact, most motorcycles.

"There are 6 vehicles involved for four wheels, yes, consisting of two public transportation units, two private cars, and two pickup cars", said Yusuf.

"For the two wheels 14 units", he continued.

Currently, the driver of the tronton truck is still under intensive examination. Then, check the condition of the tronton truck to confirm the information from the driver.

Based on preliminary data, this accident resulted in five deaths and four injuries.