Search Pinangki's House, Attorney General's Office Seized BMW Cars And Documents

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's team of investigators ransacked the house of Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari. From there, investigators confiscated several documents that were suspected of being related to the case that was currently trapping Pinangki.

Apart from documents, the Attorney General's Office investigators also confiscated a BMW X5 car with police number F 214. This car was parked in the AGO.

"We have confiscated the BMW car of the Pinangki suspect. It's already in the parking lot," said the Investigation Director of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes, Febrie Ardiansyah, to reporters, Monday, August 31.

This car has only been bought by Pinangki for a few months for Rp1.6 billion. Judging from the police number, this car was released in March 2020 or only five months.

This car was confiscated because investigators suspected that Pinangki bought this car as a result of a criminal act. Namely the money received from Djoko Tjandra for arranging a free fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed by the Bank Bali cessie case by the Supreme Court.

Apart from the pinangki house, said Febrie, his party also searched five other places. From there, investigators also confiscated documents related to this case. "There are several places (searches). There are IT equipment and documents," he said.

In this case Pinangki Sirna Malasari was named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office for allegedly accepting bribes related to the fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed in the Bank Bali cessie case at the Supreme Court.

The AGO suspects that Pinangki received a bribe worth 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7 billion from Djoko Tjandra. In this case, the Attorney General's Office has also appointed Djoko Tjandra as the bribe giver.

For his actions, Pinangki was suspected of being under Article 5 letter b of the Corruption Crime Law.