Indonesian Endemic Snake Viral Called Pest, This Clarifies Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine

DENPASAR - The upload of the Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine account, which calls snakes a viral pest on Twitter's timeline.

In the Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine TikTok account it is written "pests become foreign exchange,". However, when we searched again, the Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine post was no longer there.

However, the post was re-uploaded to the @akuluka account. It is questionable since when endemic snakes are called pests.

"Indonesia's endemic snakes are called pests!. Since when have snakes become pests.?. Do you really like palm oil? There are humans who destroy their homes! he wrote.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine Center, Putu Terunanegara, said that his party was not aware of the upload.

"I don't even know yet. Later, we can learn a lesson because I don't know the problem yet," said Terunanegara, Wednesday, January 19.

According to him, the term 'pest' is only a matter of perception from a point of view.

"Actually, it depends on which side of the eye it is. It's a wild animal and what quarantine has been released has a quota and an official permit from the relevant agency. So, it depends on which side you look at it. Because it's wild animals from the forest and from everywhere. and it could be categorized like that, but other glasses might not be," he explained.

According to him, snakes are wild animals. Arrests can be made in accordance with the provisions.

"Because it is purely from wild animals but the catch quota is clear. For example, wild boars in the forest can be considered pests. This is legal, all catching processes are carried out legally by official companies from various regions and then snake skin products are released like that," he explained. .

"Yes (about perception) it means from which glass we see it. I think that's from our perception, maybe the language of wild animals in the forest can be a product that is of interest to many people and many countries, "added Terunanegara.

Meanwhile, in Bali, there are indeed exports of reptile snakes, including snake skins.

"If there are reptiles but small snakes for the toys. If there are a lot of snake skin exports, the company is in Badung and so on. It (exports) includes python skins, large pythons. processed into bag products and so on," he said.