Riau SAR Team Still Looking For Makmur, A Resident Who Was Dragged By Kampar River While Swimming

RIAU - The SAR team is continuing their efforts to search for a resident who was reported to have drowned in the Kampar River in Gunung Malelo Village, Koto Hampar Hulu District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, last Tuesday, January 18.

Pekanbaru Search and Rescue Office head Ishak said the victim named Makmur (43) reportedly drowned while trying to cross the river by swimming on Tuesday at around 16.30 p.m. local time, after carrying out activities in the garden.

"The victim who returned from the garden tried to cross the river by swimming. While in the middle of the river, the victim was exhausted and drowned. Before drowning the victim also asked for help," he said in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, January 19.

Efforts to find Makmur were then carried out by involving officers from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kampar Regency, the village government, and local residents. However, as of Tuesday night the search effort had not yielded any results.

The Pekanbaru Search and Rescue Office reminded residents to be more careful when carrying out activities on the Kampar River because in recent months at least six people were reported to have drowned in the river.