Accused Of Political Content, Ubedillah Who Reports Gibran-Kaesang, Attacks PDIP Secretary General Hasto Krisyanto

Report of Jakarta State University (UNJ) Lecturer Ubedillah Badrun against the two sons of President Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming-Kaesang Pangarep related to allegations of corruption and or money laundering (TPPU) and related to allegations of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) become wider.

This is because, instead of being reported back, Ubedillah's report was accused by the Secretary-General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto to be related to a political party. In response to this, Ubedillah emphasized that Hasto's accusation was wrong. Because Ubed emphasized that he was not a political party cadre.

"It is okay for anyone to convey the accusation, including Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary-General of the PDIP. His name is also interpreting surface phenomena, yes, sir. But the interpretation of the accusation is a big mistake because I am not a member, let alone a party official," Ubedillah told reporters, Monday, January 17. 

Ubedillah explained that he was often present at party events. However, he said, this was only limited to sources, not party members. Even Ubed said that he had been a mentor to PDIP cadres.

"As an academic, I often become a resource person in almost all political parties, including being a mentor for PDIP cadres. I did this because of my knowledge, not because I am a party member," he explained.

Ubedillah admitted that he was surprised that Hasto commented on him, not regarding the substance of his report against Gibran Rakabuming and Kaesang Pangarep.

"The main thing that Hasto should have responded to is the substance of my report, not commenting on me," he said.

He also explained that the report aims to create a government that is free from KKN as stated in the 1998 TAP MPR.

"The substance of the report is part of the MPR's mandate for the government to organize a clean and free government of corruption, corruption, and collusion, as set forth in MPR Decree No. XI of 1998," concluded Ubedillah.

It is known that in his report Ubedillah included documents explaining his suspicions. He related that the PT BMH company owned by the PT SM business group was involved in a forest fire case, but the handling of the case was not clear.

Then, on the other hand, the business group called Ubedillah invested in companies owned by Kaesang and Gibran. Ubedillah also made a link between the business affairs and company cases whose legal investigations were unclear due to a conflict of interest.

PDIP accuses Ubedillah's report of Gibran-Kaesang being related to political parties

Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto commented on Ubedillah Badrun's report against Gibran Rakabuming and Kaesang Pangarep to the KPK. Hasto suspects that there is a connection between Ubedillah and certain political parties in the report.

Initially, Hasto said that the report by Ubedillah had been directly denied by Gibran as the reported party. According to him, several PDIP cadres who have advocated for the report suspect that there are far stronger political interests.

"If we look at Mas Gibran's own statement, he has denied this, and then several PDIP cadres have also been advocating because this seems to be a much stronger political heavy act," Hasto told reporters, Monday, January 17th.

"But even so, every effort for law enforcement is respected by PDIP," he continued.

In addition, Hasto also observed Ubedillah's track record on social media. He also suspects that Ubedillah has involvement with certain political parties.

"We also see how Ubedillah's track record is, including the social media movement that reveals his involvement with certain political parties," he said.

Nevertheless, Hasto said that his party had communicated, especially at the DPC level throughout Surakarta. According to him, Gibran's response to the report has also reduced the problem.

"Yes, communication is carried out, especially at the Surakarta PDIP DPC. The clarification conveyed by Mas Gibran, I think, can immediately reduce efforts to use law as a political vehicle with certain motives," he said.