A Letter Of Apology From Ferdinand Hutahaean 'As A Muslim I Want To Emphasize That There Is No Other Place Of Refuge Except Allah SWT'

JAKARTA - Ferdinand Hutahaean apologized to the entire community through a letter written from behind the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. With all humility, Ferdinand pleaded for an apology to be opened for him.

Ferdinand Hutahaean was named a suspect in a case of alleged hate speech containing SARA and spreading false news on Monday, January 10.

The former Democrat Party politician was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1) and (2) criminal law regulation Number 1 of 1946, Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (2) of the ITE Law with a maximum threat of 10 years in prison.

The following is Ferdinand Hutahaean's full apology, which was conveyed through the letter he wrote:

All Indonesian citizens, religious leaders, community leaders, youth, and all the citizens I love wherever they are


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Please allow me Ferdinand Hutahaean, first of all with humility to apologize profusely for my mistake in saying specifically in my tweet which has offended friends, relatives, and anyone who feels offended and hurt by my words in my tweet. .

I humbly ask for forgiveness as I have no intention of offending or attacking any party. As a Muslim, I would like to emphasize that there is no other place for refuge except Allah SWT.

For my mistake, please forgive me and guide me so that in the future I will become a better person with religion and speech.

Once again, please forgive me and pray for me to be able to undergo this legal process properly.

Thus, for the generosity of friends, relatives, religious leaders, community leaders, youth, and all parties I thank you

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Ferdinand Hutahaean