3 Signs Of Lifestyle Needs To Change, So You Don't Often Feel Tired

JAKARTA – Daily activities that are carried out without planning often make the body feel tired. Not only the body is tired, the mental also feels burnout and has no motivation. Therefore, you need to make lifestyle changes.

According to author and psychotherapist reported by Psychology Today, Sean Grover, LSCW., lifestyle changes externally or externally driven, occur due to 3 factors. First, after experiencing a loss, for example the death of a loved one or a relationship ending tragically.

Second, experiencing difficulties such as being laid off from work or in debt. The last external factor is an event that sends shockwaves in your life that makes you question your options and consider new ones.

Grover continued, lifestyle changes need to be made which are marked by the following events.

1. Life feels monotonous

Even without planning, life without joy or magic makes a person stuck in the same and boring pattern. The days are predictable and monotonous, every moment the same so you feel like you have nothing to look forward to.

2. Chronic stress

Chronic stress, not only triggered by work piling up. Even simple jobs can be a burden. For example, when you feel time is running slowly and there is not the slightest enthusiasm to end the day with cheerful things.

3. Disappointment

Do you feel that everyone is letting you down? Even when you have done a good attitude, open, even optimistic, disappointment can be felt.

Grover continues to suggest that any change option requires planning. A conscious plan can make you feel better. Or at least not feeling disappointed later in the day.

Grover also suggests talking to someone close to you or starting a journal about your choices. The more conscious you become in choosing change or setting personal goals, the clearer the way forward will be. Although it doesn't always result in happiness, changing your lifestyle can change your perspective on the problems you're experiencing.