Police Deploy Water Cannon And Prepare Rubber Bullets To Secure A Mentally Ill Person Rampaging With Machetes In Denpasar

DENPASAR - The Denpasar, Bali Police team has arrested a mentally ill person (ODGJ) with the initials MA (41) from Malang, East Java, who went on a rampage while carrying a sharp machete weapon.

"The person concerned was then taken to Sanglah Hospital for treatment and under the supervision of the West Denpasar Police," said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police Iptu I Ketut Sukadi, Monday, January 17.

The incident occurred at Warung Barokah, Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Banjar Tegal Buah, Denpasar, Bali, on Sunday, January 16.

Witness Ahmad Saenudin, who is MA's brother, explained that at that time he went to MA and planned to take him back to Java for treatment.

"However, the Supreme Court went berserk and immediately chased the witness with a machete and damaged the witness' car and smashed the rear windshield with a rock," added Sukadi.

Meanwhile, from the testimony of witness I Putu Nik Kurniawan, it was known that when the witness was buying gallon drinking water, he saw someone being chased with a machete.

"Then the witness contacted the West Denpasar Police," he continued.

The police then went to the scene of the case to secure the rampaging MA. At first, there was a dialogue but the Supreme Court challenged the police.

The police fired tear gas to dissuade MA from entering the shop. The police managed to dissuade MA from entering the shop.

However, the Supreme Court closed the shop's rolling door, and finally, the officers broke down the shop's roof tiles and plasterboard and then re-opened communication. But the Supreme Court still refused to let go of the sharp weapon it was holding and continued to threaten it.

"So, the officers fired tear gas into the bathroom where the person was hiding," he said.

Subsequently, firefighters and ambulances arrived at the scene. The police brought the fire water cannon to provide security. MA resisted until he was shot with a rubber bullet.

"Officers used iron and bamboo pipes to narrow the space for the person concerned and managed to secure the gun and the person concerned," said Sukadi.

"During the evacuation, there were no casualties or injuries from the officers and the public. The person concerned was also detained by the previous year's Satpol PP because of the same act. For material losses in the form of the Innova DK 1085 FX rear windshield, the person concerned was hit with a rock," added Sukadi.