National Economic Recovery Budget In 2022 Reaches Rp451 Trillion, Check Out The Explanation Of Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the total budget prepared by the government for the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program in 2022 reached Rp451 trillion.

"President Jokowi has approved several PEN programs, prepared a budget in 2022 worth Rp451 trillion which is divided into three, namely health, social protection and fiscal facilities for several sectors, namely MSMEs and corporations," said Airlangga, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 17.

Airlangga conveyed this after attending a limited meeting with the topic of Evaluation of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) led by President Joko Widodo.

"The first thing that was approved by the President regarding property fiscal incentives or the Government-borne Value Added Tax (PPN DTP) was prepared for an extension until June 2022," said Airlangga.

The stipulation is that the DTP VAT for flats and landed houses with a value of up to IDR 2 billion, 50 percent DTP VAT is calculated from the start of the contract.

"And it is hoped that the house will be completed within 9 months," Airlangga added.

Furthermore, VAT DTP is given at 25 percent for the selling price of landed houses and flats worth IDR 2 billion-5 billion.

"Furthermore, the President also approved the PPNBM (Luxury Goods Value Added Tax) facility borne by the government specifically for the automotive sector with sales prices below Rp. 200 million or LCGC (Low Cost Green Car)," said Airlangga.

PPNBM for LCGC is currently 3 percent, then the government will provide a 0 percent facility in the first quarter of 2022.

"This means that 3 percent of the PPNBM for LCGC is borne by the government, the second quarter is 2 percent borne by the government, in the third quarter 1 percent is borne by the government, in the fourth quarter the full payment is 3 percent according to the tariff," Airlangga added.

Then for PPNBM for automotive products for Rp. 200 million-250 million, the normal PPNBM rate is 15 percent.

"In the first quarter 50 percent was borne by the government, so the public paid 7.5 percent, in the second quarter they paid 'full' of 15 percent," Airlangga added.

Furthermore, according to Airlangga, President Jokowi also approved the "front loading" of social assistance.

"That is the expansion of cash assistance for street vendors (PKL), stalls and fishermen with an estimated number of 2.76 million participants, namely 1 million street vendors and 1.76 million fish stall owners and extreme poor economic residents with a given amount of Rp600 thousand per recipient. ," said Airlangga.

The provision of assistance will be carried out in the first quarter of 2022.

"It will be implemented soon and the President agrees that for social protection a 'front loading' will be carried out in the first quarter," said Airlangga.