Alleged Effect Of Drugs In The Senopati Pharmacy Accident Case

JAKARTA - A black BMW with police number B 610 MAG crashed into a pharmacy business building on Jalan Senopati Raya, Saturday, December 28 morning. When being evacuated, the officer smelled alcohol from the driver's mouth.

The driver of the vehicle with the initials US is now a suspect in this traffic accident. Because, he tested positive for marijuana and sedative drugs after checking his urine.

The police also found Happy Five-type drugs in his apartment around South Tangerang. This will also become evidence in the case.

"Article 114 and 112, Law 35 on Narcotics are threatened with threats of more than five years," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus, Sunday, December 29.

A few months ago, on 27 October, this pharmacy was also the scene of an accident. At that time, the Nisan Livina car driven by PKH went into the pharmacy. A pharmacy security officer, Asep, died in the incident.