Breaking News! Polda Metro Officially Holds Denny Siregar's Case, Gets Ready To Be Asked For Information

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya confirmed that it had received the delegation to handle the hate speech case involving Denny Siregar as the reported person. The case was previously handled by the West Java Regional Police.

"For the Denny Siregar case, the West Java Police have transferred it to the Metro Jaya Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes E. Zulpan, to reporters, Thursday, January 13.

In addition, Zulpan also stated that the handling of this case is still in the investigation process. Where, the investigative team is still gathering evidence and clues.

"The Polda Metro Jaya is still investigating this case," said Zulpan.

In the future, Zulpan continued, his party will call Denny Siregar. However, it has not been specified about the time of the inspection.

"We will handle it professionally," said Zulpan.

Denny Siregar was previously reported by Ustaz Ahmad Ruslan Abdul Gani to the Tasikmalaya Police on July 2, 2020. The report was based on Denny's upload on his Facebook account about santri.

Denny Siregar's upload is in the form of photos of students with the words monotheism written on them. "DEAR BROTHER PROSPECTIVE TERRORISTS".