Inaugurates Major General Mulyo Aji As Sesmenko Polhukam, Mahfud MD Alludes To Several Issues From BLBI To Papua

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD inaugurated Major General Mulyo Aji as Secretary to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

In his remarks, Mahfud believed that Mulyo could carry out his duties as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs well. Moreover, he has education and understanding in the field of his assignment.

Furthermore, he explained that there were a number of formidable challenges faced by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, including in terms of saving state assets. Even though it is difficult, said Mahfud, the challenge can be overcome.

This is evidenced by the large number of assets that were rescued by the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Task Force (BLBI).

"In the fields of law, security and order, 2021 will be better than the previous year," Mahfud said as quoted from his written statement.

Even though it has been successful, Mahfud asked all parties not to be happy. Because, he believes, this year the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs will face another challenge and it is hoped that it can be overcome even better.

"In the field of politics and democracy, I am sure that this year political conditions will remain stable, conducive and under control. The government will also continue to observe the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the Job Creation Law, where the government together with elements of society will perfect the Job Creation Act," said the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK).

In addition, Mahfud also touched on issues related to Papua which are now a challenge for the government. He emphasized that the handling of the problems on Earth of Cenderawasih would utilize all resources such as personnel and finances to build the welfare of the people there.

Not only that, the government prioritizes dialogue and overcomes various problems with a welfare approach, according to the mandate of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces and Law no. 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua.

Furthermore, Mahfud also mentioned the implementation of simultaneous elections in 2024. This should be a concern because it is the domain of the ministry.

"Another important agenda that we will face and need to get attention is the Democracy party. Implementation of the Pilkada and General Elections (Pilpres and Pileg) simultaneously in 2024. As mandated in Law Number 10 of 2016 it is necessary to prepare well and coordinate with relevant ministries/institutions ," he explained.

"For this reason, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs must always be responsive, alert and continuously increase attention in guarding stability in the political, legal and security fields. Primarily through the implementation of the tasks and functions of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs in coordinating, synchronizing and controlling the formulation and implementation of policies in the Polhukam sector, " added Mahfud.

Meanwhile, in the internal environment, Mahfud reminded his ministry to maintain the Unqualified Opinion (WTP) which had been obtained 11 times in a row from the Supreme Audit Agency.

Finally, Mahfud also reminded his staff to continue to monitor the dynamics of the national situation, especially in the fields of politics, law and security.

"Last year, the Indonesian people have succeeded in facing and going through all uncertainties such as the pandemic, the threat of recession, regional instability disturbances and others that have actually strengthened our nation. During 2021, together with all elements of the nation, we have succeeded in suppressing the increase in the transmission of COVID-19, " he said.

"The government's efforts in economic recovery are starting to show results. The economy is getting back on track. The target for state revenue from taxes is affordable," Mahfud concluded.