Commission II Of DPR Targets Feasibility Test For Candidates For KPU-Bawaslu Members To Be Completed In This Session Period
JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR has set two priority agendas to be completed during the third session, namely the eligibility test for candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period and the discussion of the 2024 election schedule.
Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Luqman Hakim, said that Commission II of the DPR is targeting the agenda for the feasibility test of candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members to be completed during this trial period. Currently, his party is still waiting for the Presidential Letter (Surpres) to be sent to the DPR.
"We want to complete the feasibility test until the election of candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members during this Third Session Period," said Luqman Hakim at the DPR building, Tuesday, January 11.
Luqman hopes that Commission II of the DPR can complete the agenda for the election of KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period before the end of the Third Session Period, which is February 20, 2022.
The PKB politician believes that all members of Commission II of the DPR have notes on the names of candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members that have been submitted by the Selection Team to President Joko Widodo.
According to him, there are several criteria that must be met by KPU-Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period, such as being professional, having integrity, having a strong leadership and acceptability.
"The acceptability is strong because legitimacy for the KPU and Bawaslu is an important thing that will affect their performance later," he explained.
In addition, Commission II of the DPR, continued Luqman, also hopes that it has completed another important agenda, namely the timing of the 2024 General Election.
"We hope that before the agenda for the eligibility test for candidates for KPU-Bawaslu members is carried out, it is targeted that the 2024 election schedule has been finalized," he said.
However, Luqman has not been able to confirm when the Commission II Working Meeting (Raker) and Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the government and election organizers will be held to discuss the 2024 election schedule.
"The DPR's Commission II will determine the most likely time to hold the meeting during the Third Session Period," he said.
It is known that the selection team has submitted the names of candidates for KPU and Bawaslu members for the 2022-2027 period to President Joko Widodo, Thursday, January 6.
Based on the decision of the Selection Team for Candidates for Members of the General Election Commission and Candidates for Members of the General Elections Supervisory Body for the term of 2022-2027 Number 358/TIMSEL/I/2022, 14 candidates for KPU members and 10 candidates for Bawaslu members were determined.
The fourteen candidates for KPU members are August Mellaz, Betty Epsilon Idroos, Dahliah, Hasyim Asya'ari, I Dewa Kade Wiarsa Raka Sandi, Idham Holik, Iffa Rosita, Iwan Rompo Banne, Mochammad Afifuddin, Muchamad Ali Safa'at, Parsadaan Harahap. , Viryan, Yessy Yatty Momongan, and Yulianto Sudrajat.
The ten candidates for Bawaslu are Aditya Perdana, Andi Tenri Sompa, Fritz Edward Siregar, Herwyn Jefler Hielsa Malonda, Lolly Suhenty, Mardiana Rusli, Puadi, Rahmat Bagja, Subair, and Totok Hariyono.