COVID-19 Cluster At LG Factory, DPR Cecar Minister Of Industry Agus Gumiwang

JAKARTA - As many as 242 of the 776 factory employees at LG Electronics tested positive for COVID-19, after the company conducted a swab test on all factory employees. This was highlighted by Commission VI of the DPR, in a meeting with the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

Member of Commission VI Evita Nursanty from the PDIP faction asked Agus to be more firm in implementing health protocols in the industrial sector. This is to prevent the spread of the SAR-COV-2 or COVID-19 virus in factories.

"The operation of this industrial sector is already moving. Indeed, there is a price we have to pay for that there are new pandemic clusters in industrial areas. However, like it or not, life must go on. We still have to move. to be even more assertive to industrial industries so that they actually carry out health protocols, "he said, in a meeting of Commission VI with the Ministry of Industry and BKPM, Thursday, August 27.

Evita also said, reflecting on the COVID-19 case that occurred in Vietnam, the spread of the virus occurred through factory clusters. Because of this, the Ministry of Industry must ensure that all factories adhere to health protocols so that Indonesia does not experience the same thing as Vietnam.

"There is a new LG, then Unilever, Denso, and there is Hitachi. Vietnam is a new case of COVID-19 from the factory. So this should not happen to us," he said.

Likewise, a colleague from Evita's faction, Darmadi Durianto, also asked the same question. He admitted that he was surprised why a multi-national class factory like LG could create a new cluster for the spread of COVID-19.

"There are many multi-national LG companies, for example. That can be, new clusters are like LG. How can a new factory? Korean LG which has strict standards can pass. Can you imagine not companies in the lower class? LG, Unilever are so strict," Darmadi said. .

Then, Commission VI member Chairul Anwar from the PKS Faction asked the government to increase awareness of the spread of COVID-19, especially in factories. Because, he said, this is important, because it is highly unlikely that the economy can be good as long as COVID-19 is not resolved immediately.

Not only that, Chairul also warned the industrial sector to implement health protocols. Because, if there is the spread of COVID-19 and employees are contaminated, the factory will suffer losses.

"The proof is LG, once they are running now they have to stop for 14 days to stop producing. They lose time, production results, and of course profit. And there will be losses in manufacturing. Therefore this must be taken into account," he explained.

Commission VI member Eko Hendro Purnomo or better known as Eko Patrio from the PAN faction also spoke up about the new cluster of the spread of COVID-19 at the LG factory. Eko said, currently the rapid tests are not accurate, so the government must facilitate factories for swab tests.

"I hope this Minister can carry out or facilitate with existing work units, with existing industries to carry out or order, not to socialize, Sir. For me, just order it to relate to this swab test problem," he said.

Manufacturing Factory Still Must Open

In response to this, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita explained why factories in the industrial sector continued to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to him, this is because based on Permenkes number 9 2020 the manufacturing industry is exempt from the business sector which must close.

However, Agus emphasized that his party has never forced factories to continue operating. According to him, an operational permit in the midst of a pandemic could be submitted by a factory to the Ministry of Industry voluntarily.

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"Once a company applies for a voluntary permit, it must follow the stipulated obligations. Our protocol is very complete," said Agus.

Agus also revealed that so far the multi-national factory has already had export commitments with overseas customers. Thus, in the midst of this pandemic, LG's factories must continue to operate to fulfill these export commitments.

"We must not forget to have commitments with buyers abroad. They have to export products that have become their commitments. So of course we have to be very wise," he explained.

Furthermore, Agus emphasized that the operations of the manufacturing industry, especially LG, must continue, even though the COVID-19 pandemic is not over.

"I don't want LG's export commitment to be filled by other countries. I don't want that. It must be managed properly," he said.

Agus emphasized that factories operating amid the COVID-19 pandemic still have to carry out health protocols.

Considered 'Mass Killer'

Previously, Agus said that the community accused the Ministry of Industry of being a 'mass murderer'. The allegations stem from the ministry's decision to grant factories operating permits amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government through the Ministry of Industry has allowed manufacturing industries or factories to run their businesses in the midst of the pandemic. However, on the condition that these factories have obtained the Industrial Activity Mobility and Operational Permit (IOMKI).

According to Agus, since the existence of this policy, he has received repeated criticism from the public through his short messages on WhatsApp (WA).

Moreover, after this policy came into effect, several cases emerged, COVID-19 clusters in various factories in Indonesia, including HM Sampoerna, Unilever, Hitachi and others.

"This is from the beginning when the pandemic entered Indonesia, I remember very well when I took this policy I received a lot of criticism, repeatedly entered my personal WA. He said I was a mass murderer because I let factories operate," said Agus, in a virtual discussion. , Tuesday, August 4.

Agus said, even though IOMKI was issued and the factory could operate, face-to-face must be accompanied by disciplined protocols. According to him, this has been socialized through a circular (SE).

Furthermore, Agus said, through the Ministry of Industry Number 8/2020 concerning Reporting Obligations for Industrial Companies and Industrial Estate Companies that have IOMKI. He emphasized that companies must report on the operational implementation and mobility of industrial activities on a weekly basis.

"They also have to routinely report to the Ministry of Industry every week through SIINas. Activities in each industry are especially related to reporting on the implementation of health protocols, reporting whether any labor employees and their workers have been exposed, and how they handle it," he explained. .

According to Agus, this company report is required to find out how health is handled in the factory. Because, in the Circular that has been issued there are SOPs that must be done in handling if a case is found in their company.

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