Good News, 2,458 Taxpayers Apply For Tax Amnesty To Sri Mulyani: IDR 140 Billion Funds Enter The State Treasury

JAKARTA - Entering the second week of the implementation of the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS), the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance noted that there were 2,458 taxpayers (WP) who had registered.

This figure is the latest recapitulation as of January 10, 2022, quoted from the official website, Tuesday, January 11. It stated that the Ministry of Finance had issued 2,608 PPS certificates so far. Of the total taxpayers who reported, the net assets disclosed amounted to IDR 1.16 trillion.

The book consists of a declaration of disclosure of taxpayers' assets in the country and repatriation funds of IDR 1 trillion, declarations abroad of IDR 95.5 billion, and investment placements of IDR 68.1 billion.

Meanwhile, the value that goes directly to the state treasury in the form of income tax (PPh) in the Voluntary Disclosure Program is IDR 140.4 billion.

To note, PPS is touted as a tax amnesty program aka tax amnesty volume II. Previously, the first tax amnesty was held in 2016 at the initiative of President Joko Widodo, who was executed by Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani.

Just so you know, this PPS is quite different from the initial edition. Sri Mulyani cs set a period of six months from January 1 to June 30, 2022.

Meanwhile, several new rules that apply are individual taxpayers or business entities that have assets but have not been reported until December 31, 2015.

In this first policy, taxpayers will get a low-income tax rate facility as long as it is channeled into State Securities (SBN), the renewable energy-oriented industrial sector, and the downstream industry segment.

There are three points of imposition of tariffs in this first policy, namely 6 percent, 8 percent, and 11 percent.

The second policy is assets with an unreported 2016 to 2020 acquisition base with tax rates of 12 percent, 14 percent, and 18 percent.