Aceh Police Delegates Cases Of Burning Journalists' Houses To Pomdam
ACEH - Aceh Police Investigators have handed over the dossier of the alleged burning of a journalist's house in Southeast Aceh Regency to the Military Police of Kodam (Pomdam) Iskandar Muda.
Head of the Public Relations Division of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said that the delegation of the case was due to a temporary suspicion that the perpetrators were directed at TNI personnel.
"Based on the results of the investigation and the case title, the alleged perpetrators point to members of the TNI, so we have transferred the case to the Iskandar Muda Pomdam," said Kombes Winardy in Banda Aceh, Monday, January 10.
He said investigators had submitted the case files to the victim. The victim also knew that the case had been transferred to the Iskandar Muda Pomdam (IM) through SP2HP.
Previously, the case was handled by the Southeast Aceh Police. Then, delegate it to the investigators of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police.
Kombes Winardy said the takeover was not due to the inability of the Southeast Aceh Police to resolve the case of the burning of the press personnel's house.
"In the process, investigators from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police have re-examined witnesses and carried out a case title," he said.
Previously, the house of Aswani Luwi, a journalist for the Daily Serambi Indonesia newspaper published in Banda Aceh who served in Southeast Aceh Regency, was burned by unknown people on July 31, 2019.
The case was then investigated until January 13, 2021, investigators sent a warrant for the start of an investigation (SPDP) to the Southeast Aceh District Attorney (Kejari).
"If that is true in Lumajang, I deeply regret the incident," he said.