5 Reasons Steamed Food Is Healthier Than Fried

JAKARTA – The process of cooking food determines the nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. The reason is, in cooking ingredients using too high a temperature or using the wrong medium, it can reduce the deliciousness of food other than vitamins, it can also decrease.

Like the choice of steaming or frying, this has a big impact on the level of calories, cholesterol, taste of food, the amount of vitamins and nutrients lost during the cooking process. Which one is better? Although fried can produce a more savory and crunchy taste, it turns out that steaming is healthier for the following five reasons.

1. Cost-effective and eco-friendly

Reported by The Health Site, Monday, January 10, steaming is a food cooking process in which food ingredients are evaporated with boiling water. Many people choose to process food by steaming because it is more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Fried foods lead to the formation of trans fats, but you can also opt for healthier oils. Such as olive oil and coconut oil which when compared in price are indeed higher than palm oil.

2. Reduce cholesterol

When cooking meat, steaming can easily remove fat. Instead of frying or baking that adds a process with butter or margarine, it's better to steam it for a lighter and healthier meal.

3. Fiber, color and taste of vegetables are maintained

By steaming vegetables, controlled steam can maintain their natural state. This cooking method is very unlikely to make the vegetables crumble and change their color. You can add herbs to make the taste richer, such as adding oregano.

4. Maintain vitamins and nutrients

Many vitamins and minerals in vegetables are lost due to improper cooking methods. Well, by steaming you can ensure that vitamins such as B vitamins, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, biotin, vitamin B12, and other minerals can survive in the cooked ingredients.

5. Fast and uncomplicated

The process of steaming, you could say is not at all complicated. It only requires one heat source, and food can be consumed and its beneficial content is maintained for the body. In addition, the method of cooking by steaming saves energy, time and expenses.

In addition to the 5 reasons above, by processing more food consumed by steaming, it can reduce the risk of cancer. Because cooking food at low temperatures does not kill the glucosinolates which are chemical components in vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. These compounds have anti-cancer properties and can be damaged when fried at high temperatures.