OJK Approves The Change Of Tugu Mandiri Insurance's Name To Perta Life Insurance

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has issued a business license in the field of life insurance to PT Perta Life Insurance. This OJK green light was stipulated through the Decree of the OJK Board of Commissioners Number KEP-881/NB.11/2021 dated 28 December 2021.

Through an announcement signed by the Head of the OJK Non-Bank Financial Industry (IKNB) 1A Supervision Department, Dewi Astuti on December 31, 2021, it was explained that the implementation of the business license was related to the change in the name of PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri to PT Perta Life Insurance.

"The name change will take effect as of the date of the stipulation of the Decision of the Member of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority," Dewi wrote in her announcement, quoted Monday, January 10.

Dewi said, with the issuance of the company's business license, PT Perta Life Insurance in carrying out its business activities is required to always implement healthy business practices and always refer to the applicable laws and regulations.

"Thus, it was announced so that the public would know and understand it," said Dewi.

Meanwhile, PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri is a life insurance company whose shares are owned by the Pertamina Pension Fund (71.39 percent), PT Timah Tbk. (27.83 percent), and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (0.78 percent).