Update Of The AMPHURI Trial Team From The Holy Land: Prayers Are Mandatory Wearing Masks - Entering The Prophet's Mosque Must Use Applications
JAKARTA - The pilot team of the Muslim Association of Hajj and Umrah Organizers of the Republic of Indonesia (AMPHURI) provided the latest news from the holy land regarding the implementation of Umrah in Saudi Arabia. One of them is related to the implementation of prayers at the Prophet's Mosque and the obligation to use the Eatmarna application.
The news was conveyed by one of the members of the Umrah trial trial team who had already departed, namely Erni Daryanti, Head of PT Najah Hurrahman. He said the worship that was carried out with his entourage went smoothly but he admitted that he was confused when he was about to enter the Prophet's Mosque.
"There is confusion when entering the Prophet's Mosque, especially when using the Tawakkalna application," said Erni in the webinar series: 'Easy Umrah for Muslimah in a Pandemic Period' held by AMPHURI on Saturday, January 8.
However, the confusion was finally resolved. Because, the Umrah participants who will pray at the Prophet's Mosque only need to show a special bracelet.
As for what is meant by Tawakkalna, is an application from the government of Saudi Arabia for residents to foreign nationals in that country. This application has a function similar to PeduliLindung in Indonesia which is used for tracking or tracing.
Returning to Erni, she also shared her experience of visiting Raudhah. He said that when he visited there were no problems and no crowds were seen.
Because the settings have been used through the Tasrih and Eatmarna applications. "Everything went smoothly, entry was comfortable, thank God there was no jostling. There the roads were also nice, orderly, distant," he said.
Furthermore, Erni said that everyone in places of worship still had to follow health protocols. Moreover, this year's Umrah activities were carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He even said worshipers, including female worshipers, were required to wear masks. "For mothers, women, for prayer, physical distancing and wearing masks are mandatory," he said.
"In Raudhah, we are also given the opportunity for 10-15 minutes and that's very masyaallah. It can't be expressed in words, it means that the worship is good, smooth, and everyone obeys health protocols," he added.
The story about the implementation of Umrah was also conveyed by Mawar Wahyuningsih, who is the head of PT Ebad Alrahmah Wisata. He said that he and his entourage had run quarantine before praying.
This obligation, he continued, must be carried out after he is Saudia Airlines.
"The rules from Saudia Airlines are that all pilgrims, both those with Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines, must be quarantined," said Mawar.
However, quarantine is not free but must pay IDR 7 million per person. "If we don't want quarantine, we can't fly it. Therefore, we pay and leave," he added.
The quarantine process, said Mawar, also did not have any problems. In fact, the hotel he occupies is five-star.
"We entered the quarantine hotel, we got the Vivid Hotel. A five-star hotel. So the quarantine process was for five days and four nights in Jeddah. Everything went safely, smoothly. We enjoyed the quarantine comfortably," he explained.
"During quarantine, we swab twice. So h+2 after arrival and before departure to Maddinah," concluded Mawar.