Called Positive For COVID-19, Atta Halilintar Denies And Uploads PCR Evidence

JAKARTA - Due to the news that Ashanty was positive for COVID-19, Atta Halilintar was also dragged into the news. It is known that several media immediately wrote that the YouTuber was also positive for COVID-19.

Furious with the news, Atta Halilintar made a clarification via his Instagram. He ensured that he and Aurel Hermansyah continued to quarantine at the hotel in accordance with health protocols.

"This is the PCR result directly from the airport. PCR directly at Soetta, yes. Thank God pregnant women are also negative," said Atta with a screenshot of his PCR results, Friday, January 7.

He tried to straighten it out because a number of media said Atta Halilintar was positive for COVID-19 after returning from Turkey.

"This is a big media. Please don't make up fake news. Now I'm in quarantine," wrote Atta Halilintar on Instagram Stories.

Regarding the changing quarantine process, he did not want to question too much and chose to undergo quarantine according to the provisions.

"But instead of making mistakes, if you are asked to do 12 days, it's okay so that everything is safe. Just follow the rules," said Atta Halilintar.

It is known that Atta Halilintar joined Anang's family group to go to Turkey. After returning from Turkey, they underwent PCR before staying at the hotel. Unfortunately, Ashanty became one of the confirmed positive for COVID-19.

As for Ashanty, he has not yet spoken whether the COVID-19 he has is the latest variant, Omicron.