Claims In Line With The President, Golkar: The Ratification Of The TPKS Bill Can't Be Delayed Any Longer

JAKARTA - Member of the Working Committee for the Draft Bill on Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) from the Golkar faction, Christina Aryani, welcomed President Joko Widodo's direction which pushed for the bill to be ratified immediately.

According to him, the TPKS Bill is a legal requirement for public anxiety, where recently cases of sexual violence have been rampant. This is especially true for women and children.

"We share the same opinion as his attitude in responding to the public's anxiety that this bill has become a legal requirement and therefore cannot be postponed any longer," said Christina to reporters, Friday, January 7th. In the drafting process at the Legislation Body (Baleg), Christina explained, the bill, which was the initiative of the DPR, had undergone many adjustments. The perspective, he said, is aimed at protecting victims, procedural legal processes and prevention efforts.

"So far, what often happens is the re-victimization of victims of sexual violence and many victims who report back on the basis of defamation. We make sure this is included in the draft bill so that victims don't have to worry anymore about reporting what happened to them," he explained. he said, in drafting the TPKS Bill, the DPR Baleg has also absorbed and listened to the aspirations of various parties. Although, he said, public consultations will still be opened again so that public participation in its preparation can be maximized.

"This means that before and during the discussion process with the government, space for public participation will remain open to provide constructive input and views," said Christina.

Therefore, this member of Commission I of the DPR hopes that the DPR and the government will soon ratify the TPKS Bill.

"Once again, this is a non-negotiable legal requirement. People have been waiting for it for a long time," said Christina.