The Sophistication Of Precision Quarantine Monitoring Applications: Want To Try Quitting Quarantine? Alarm At Police Headquarters Immediately Sounds

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has released the use of the Precision Quarantine Monitoring application to monitor Foreign Travel Actors (PPLN) entering Indonesia. The National Police Chief explained how the sophistication of this application will be monitored in real-time at the National Police Headquarters.

"This application is part of our follow-up to the direction of Mr. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to carry out stricter supervision, especially for foreign travelers who have just returned and must carry out the quarantine process as regulated," said Sigit at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, Thursday 6 January.

The government has re-released regulations for foreign travelers to be required to quarantine for 7 to 10 days. The app will monitor their activity at the quarantine location.

The main functions of which are location monitoring to monitor the user's location in real-time. Then there is a monitoring dashboard that monitors the occupancy of quarantine locations, statistics on perpetrators who are currently in quarantine, and when the quarantine ends, as well as the results of the RT-PCR test.

"This dashboard is installed in hotels and quarantine areas as well as the Monitoring Center at the National Police Headquarters. So that we can monitor other than those who are quarantined, including officers who carry out surveillance, we can follow them in real-time," said Sigit.

Precision Quarantine Monitoring App Features

As for the advantages of this Precision Quarantine Monitoring Application, users only check in with a QR Code which will automatically calculate the quarantine validity period. Then, officers can monitor the statistics and radius of the application user's distance from the quarantine location.

In addition, alerts or notifications will automatically be given to officers or command center if the user leaves the radius of the quarantine location that has been determined. When the quarantine period has ended, the system will validate according to the quarantine rules and provide notifications to officers and the command center.

Sigit hopes that the public can understand and understand all efforts and enforcement of this rule is part of the State providing protection to citizens from exposure to the various types of variants of the coronavirus that exist.

With the public health insurance, Sigit ensures that Indonesia is ready to hold national and international events in the future.