These WhatsApp Features Will Be Released In 2022, What Are They?
YOGYAKARTA - WhatsApp is an application developed by the technology company Meta. The application, which provides instant messaging quickly and cheaply, has made many innovations since it was first released in 2009.
In 2022 a number of new features have been prepared by WhatApp. Later, these new features are expected to be able to make it easier for users to do various things on WhatsApp.
One of the new features that is said to be released by WhatsApp is Chat Theme Support. This is done to add theme options that can be used by users.
The reason is, other instant messaging applications such as Telegram are one step ahead in developing chat themes. Therefore, quoted from Indian Express, WhatsApp will create features that support the theme development.
In addition to the Theme Support feature for Chat, WhatsApp also prepares various other features. Here, the VOI team has summarized a number of features that will be released by WhatsApp.
Connect to Multiple Devices
As is known, currently WhatsApp allows an account to connect to four different devices. This is quite helpful for users who have more than one device.
The reason is, in today's era many people have more than devices. This is certainly inconvenient if WhatsApp users have to create more than 1 account to still be able to use WhatsApp.
Therefore, WhatsApp has prepared a feature that allows an account to be used on multiple devices at once. In fact, you can use the same account on 2 different phones.
Auto Account Delete
The next feature that is being developed by WhatsApp is automatic account deletion. As is known, many accounts that are no longer used by users are still listed on WhatsApp. Even though the account has been inactive for a long time.
Currently, WhatsApp only allows its users to manually delete their accounts. However, as long as the account is not deleted, the account will remain listed in the WhatsApp application for an indefinite period of time.
Repeat Notification
Many WhatsApp users are not aware of any messages or other notifications that enter their device because they are busy. Therefore, WhatsApp is planning to create a feature that can notify users after a few minutes of no response.
It is also hoped that it will help users not to miss notifications that come into their accounts.
Those are a number of features that may be released by WhatsApp in 2022. Currently, the Meta subsidiary is developing a number of features that can make it easier for users.