Vice President: Universities Must Be Able To Provide Solutions To Unemployment Problems In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked all universities to provide solutions to the problem of unemployment in Indonesia, by strengthening cooperation in the employment sector.

"Universities must be able to provide solutions to unemployment problems in Indonesia and in ASEAN, through strengthening cooperation in the field of employment," said the Vice President when delivering a scientific oration at the Open Meeting and the 59th Anniversary of Universitas Brawijaya Malang via video conference from Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

The vice president also asked universities to play their role in bringing Indonesia's interests to the ASEAN region, so that Indonesia can achieve a good reputation at the international level.

"To achieve an international reputation requires hard work, strong commitment, and togetherness," he said.

In order to place Indonesia's interests at the global level, the Vice President continued, universities must be able to provide recommendations regarding priority issues that are of interest to Indonesia in the ASEAN Region.

"Universities must also be able to provide views and recommendations regarding priority issues that are of interest to Indonesia in the Asean Region, both in the political, economic, and socio-cultural fields," he explained.

Furthermore, the Vice President also advised universities in all regions to respond to ASEAN's challenges and needs in the economic sector, including economic recovery, sustainable development, and the digital economy.

"Universities continue to encourage the Government's commitment to implementing modern and advanced ASEAN economic integration," he said.

Ahead of Indonesia's position as Chair of ASEAN in 2023, the Vice President asked universities to take advantage of this role by expanding cooperation in the education sector through the ASEAN University Network.

"Universities must be able to take advantage of Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN in 2023, to encourage the role of the education sector in order to strengthen ASEAN integrity through the ASEAN University Network," said the Vice President.