When Examined, The Brain Of The Murder In Kelapa Gading Still Pretended To Be Possessed

JAKARTA - The information on the brain of the murder boss Sugianto (51) at Ruko Royal Gading Square, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Nur Lutfiah alias NL always fluctuates.

Even to outwit the police, Nur Lutfiah still pretended to be possessed by his late father while undergoing questioning. However, the police did not just believe the testimony of the possessed perpetrator.

"At the time of examination, the statement of the person concerned (Nur Lutfiah / NL) always changes and changes. Then there are indications that there is also a form of lies in the delivery of the statement and also signs that pretend to be in a trance," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol. Wirdhanto to reporters, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 25.

Investigator Nur Luthfiah who was still in a trance, avoided killing Sugianto because he was hurt, but because of business competition. However, the police did not believe this statement.

Thus, the police will use a lie detector, polygraph, in conducting an examination of Nur Luthfiah. So that investigators can draw the conclusions that the perpetrator said was a lie or not.

"We tried to do a polygraph test and it turned out that there were lies," he said.

Not only during the examination, Nur Luthfiah was also said to have been in a trance during the funeral ceremony of victim Sugianto. According to him, the perpetrators of NL were always there from the beginning of the disclosure of this case.

"From the beginning of the TKP process of conveying information to the management of the graves of the victims concerned, they are still involved," he said.

Pretending to be possessed was also Nur Luthfiah's weapon when she recruited the 12 perpetrators to kill Sugianto. NL pretended to be possessed by his father's spirit to convince the 11 people.

All of them could not refuse the order because NL's father was their teacher. So that what NL said when he was in a trance was interpreted as his teacher's command.

In this case, 12 people were named as suspects in the shooting case of shipping businessman Sugianto in Roko Royal Gading, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Sugianto was shot dead five times.

The suspect in the mastermind of the murder, NL is known to have worked as a financial administration employee at the Sugianto company since 2012. As well as being hurt by Sugianto's scolding and having sex with him, NL is also suspected of being involved in tax issues and was threatened with being reported to the police.