KPK Reminds Witness At Azis Syamsuddin Trial To Be Honest

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the witnesses who were presented at the trial for the alleged bribery case handling to tell the truth. This honesty is needed to make light of the actions of the former Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, who sits as a defendant.

"The honesty of the witnesses here is very necessary so that the truth is found in a courtroom that is open to the public," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, January 5.

In addition, the KPK will later summon a number of other witnesses if necessary. This summons, said Ali, aims to prove Azis' actions.

"The summons for witnesses to appear in court is of course because there is a need to prove the description of the defendant's actions as stated in the indictment," he said.

Even so, he said, the witnesses presented so far were sufficient. So, the KPK hopes that later the actions of the former Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party can be openly explained.

"So far, the witnesses who have been presented by the prosecutor's team before the panel of judges have been sufficient to prove the alleged actions of the defendant," said Ali.

"However, as long as it is still on the agenda of the evidentiary process, it is possible to present other witnesses or witnesses outside the case file," he added.

Ali asked the public to continue to follow the ongoing trial process. Moreover, the trial is currently in the process of proving Azis' actions.

"The next trial is on Thursday, January 6 with the agenda of presenting a defense witness from the defendant's side," he said.

As previously reported, Azis was charged with bribing former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju for Rp3.09 billion and US$36 thousand. The money was given so that the investigator from the National Police could secure him in the alleged bribery of the Central Lampung Regency Special Allocation Fund (DAK) in 2017.