How To Remove Name In WhatsApp Profile Column, Strangers Can't Know Who You Are!

YOGYAKARTA - WhatsApp is the most widely used instant messaging application today. You can use various features on and off in WhatsApp.

One feature that you can disable is the WhatsApp username in the profile column. Although it can be replaced with a unique name, some users may not be very comfortable using it.

Therefore, deactivating the username in the WhatsApp profile column can be one solution that you can use to maintain privacy and personal data from irresponsible people.

In the default settings, the name field in your WhatsApp profile will display the name you registered when you logged in and created an account for the first time in the WhatsApp Application.

Furthermore, users can change the name as desired, even deactivate the WhatsApp name. This will prevent WhatsApp users who are not saved in your contacts from knowing what your name is.

This can make you more secure in using WhatsApp and your personal data is more protected. The reason is, it is not uncommon for cases of hacking or other things to happen using WhatsApp contacts.

However, not everyone knows how to disable usernames in profile fields, let alone use them. Therefore, for those of you who want to hide your username in the profile column, you can follow the steps that the VOI team has compiled below.

How to Disable WhatsApp Name in Profile Column

The WhatsApp application does not allow the name in the user profile field to be disabled. However, you can do that to maintain the privacy of your personal data.

To do so is quite easy. Users can open the WhatsApp application on their smartphone or computer, and select the three-dot icon in the upper right corner.

Next, select the Settings menu or WhatsApp settings and select the profile menu. Delete the WhatsApp name and copy the arrow symbol, as well as the comma in the menu.

After that, remove the arrow in the menu so that it leaves a small comma symbol, then the user can select the Save menu at the bottom and the name display in the profile column will change to empty or hidden.

This way your WhatsApp profile name will be lost, so if a user who hasn't saved your contacts tries to view the user's WhatsApp profile, the name field on the profile page will not be visible. It can also make your privacy more secure.

That's the way you can do to deactivate your name on the WhatsApp profile page so that it is not seen by other people who have not saved your contacts.