Palestinian Immigrants Escape In Car Head Of Rudenim, Officers Are Examined By East Java Regional Police

SURABAYA - The East Java Regional Police examined several witnesses regarding the escape of an immigrant from Palestine, from the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) Surabaya in Raci, Bangil, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. One of the inspectors was the Rudenim officer who was at the scene.

"There are four witnesses from the Rudenim side, whom we are asking for information", said the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, in Surabaya, Tuesday, January 4.

Apart from the rudimentary officers, the police also questioned the management of one of the mosques in Pasuruan City. The location where the car that was taken away by immigrants was found.

"So, the mosque management was also examined as a witness, because that is the location where the car that the immigrants had taken away was found", he said.

Kombes Gatot believes that Palestinian immigrants are still in the East Java region. Currently, he continued, the East Java Police had deployed a joint team from the Pasuruan City and District Police, assisted by the East Java Police Ditreskrimsus to hunt down the immigrant.

"We also need the help of the public for those who see it. For the time being, the wanted list (DPO) has not been determined, we will search first", said Kombes Gatot.

As previously reported, an immigrant from Palestine escaped from the Surabaya Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) in Raci, Bangil, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Sunday, January 2. Before running away, the man named Moin D Habib bin Habib Mohammad had time to fight the officers.

He also had time to damage the drawer where the official car keys were. After succeeding, he finally fled with the official car belonging to the Head of the Rudenim, a Chevrolet Orlando, numbered N 1030 SP, and crashed into the Rudenim office fence.