NTB Police Finds Indications Of IDR 400 Million Loss In The Project To Build The Pratama Manggalewa Dompu Hospital

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police's Corruption Crime Team (Polda NTB) found indications of state losses in the case of alleged misappropriation of the project budget for the construction of the Pratama Manggalewa Hospital in Dompu Regency.

The Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the NTB Polda Kombes I Gusti Putu Gede Ekawana said indications of state losses were revealed from the results of the police investigation audit.

"The audit results found (indications of state losses) of around Rp. 400 million," said Ekawana in Mataram, Antara, Monday, January 3.

This figure, he explained, was found based on a study of the physical examination of the building with construction experts. The study indicated that the physical work was not in accordance with the plan.

"So the potential loss arises from the lack of work volume," he said.

Furthermore, Ekawana said that the indication of state losses opened the opportunity for the case to go up to the investigation stage.

However, to strengthen the criminal element, he ensured that there would be comparative data regarding indications of state losses from the NTB Representative Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

His party has coordinated with BPKP for its readiness to help trace indications of state losses. "Later we will hold it together with BPKP for a loss audit step," he said.

The hospital construction project owned by the regional government was carried out using the Dompu Regency APBD with a budget ceiling of IDR 17 billion.

From the results of the auction, a company with the initials SA from Makassar, South Sulawesi emerged, as the winner of the project with a bid price of Rp. 15.76 billion. In the construction process, it is suspected that the project did not meet the specifications according to the work plan and design. In fact, the project was delayed until it resulted in a fine which was reportedly paid in full.