Fire Rescue Team Evacuated 18 Cobras In Citeureup

BOGOR - The Rescue Team for the Fire Department (Damkar) of Bogor Regency, West Java evacuated 18 cobras in Gunungsari Village, Citeureup, Bogor.

"We have secured a total of 18 cobra cubs. Meanwhile, the mother has not been caught. There are also adult snake skins around the site", said Commander of the Bogor District Fire Rescue Team 2, M Ridwan, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 3.

According to him, the arrest of dozens of snakes stems from reports from residents in Tonggoh Village, RT 05/01, Gunungsari Village, Citeureup District, Bogor Regency.

Ridwan said, initially residents found a cobra cub in the kitchen. When they were caught and found out that it was a cobra, the residents immediately reported it to the Bogor Regency Fire Department.

Then, the cub of the Javan Cobra type was immediately taken to the Fire Service office on Raya Tegar Beliman Street, Cibinong.

"Alhamdulillah, the evacuation went smoothly without any problems", said Ridwan.

Not long ago, the Bogor Regency Fire Rescue Team also evacuated a 3.5-meter-long batik reticulated snake in Cikempong Village, Pakansari Village, Cibinong, Bogor Regency on Wednesday, December 29, 2021.

Secretary of the Bogor Regency Fire Department, Sigit Wibowo said that his party received a snake roaming around 09.30 WIB and the evacuation was carried out by the Bogor Regency Fire Rescue Team.

"The position is among the thickets. It's an aggressive snake because it looks like it hasn't eaten yet and has just changed its skin. So it's a bit vicious. The snake is about 3.5 meters long", said Sigit.

This condition slightly hampered the evacuation process, because it got resistance from the snake. However, in the end, the evacuation was successful.

"Because the children in the field said, the snake continued to attack the officers. But Alhamdulillah it worked and now at the snake office, we have a cage for snakes too", he said.