Bengkayang West Kalimantan Police Handle Corruption Cases Losing The State Rp19.9 Billion

BENGKAYANG - Bengkayang Police, West Kalimantan Regional Police handled corruption cases that cost the state in 2021 amounting to Rp19.9 billion.

"At least we have completed three corruption cases from the four cases reported in the Bengkayang Police jurisdiction. One of the cases that is still being handled is the alleged Corruption of Grant Funds for the construction of the PIBI Center Church," said Bengkayang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, AKP Antonius Trias Kuncorojati when contacted in Bengkayang, reported by Antara, Monday, January 3.

He explained that of the three corruption cases, the Bengkayang BPKAD special assistance budget included the corruption of Rp. 20 billion.

"This is a case of special assistance where the budget is Rp. 20 billion but the state loss is Rp. 19.9 billion. It means that only a few percent of the budget is used properly," said Antonius.

Meanwhile, BPKAD grants for PIBI centers are still being checked for state losses by BPK RI. Grants for the PIBI Center in the 2016 budget year amounted to more than Rp. 1 billion and the 2019 budget was more than Rp. 3 billion.

"The state loss is still being calculated by the BPK RI, so we don't know how much," said Antonius. Antonius emphasized that the case was still being handled, so he asked the public to be patient until the results of the expert examination were completed.

"The results of the state losses only came out in January, after that we only knew how much. This case is still ongoing, and please be patient because the results are issued by the BPK, after the results come out we will follow up," he concluded.