The Absorption Of The 2021 DKI APBD Does Not Reach The Target, Deputy Governor Riza Explains The Reason

JAKARTA - The absorption of the regional budget (APBD) for the 2021 budget year is 88.3 percent. This figure did not reach the DKI Provincial Government's target of 91 percent.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained a number of reasons why the absorption of the APBD did not reach the target. He said one of the factors was the budget efficiency of the auction process.

"First, because of efficiency. The auction must be effective," said Riza at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 3.

Then, there are a number of budgets for paying the salaries of DKI Provincial Government employees which are not distributed due to retirement until they die.

Then, there is also a massive and multi-year auction process. This causes payments distributed from the APBD to have to wait for an audit process from BPKP to the prosecutor's office.

"So, indeed everything has a process. Not everything can be paid immediately. There is a process, stages, there is an examiner who becomes a reference," said Riza.

The following are the details of the 2021 APBD realization as of 31 December:

1. Budget revenue of Rp.65.2 trillion with realization of Rp.65.9T (101.07 percent) consisting of:

- PAD budget of IDR 45.1 trillion with realization of IDR 41.8 trillion (92.51 percent)

- Transfer budget of Rp. 16.8 trillion with realization of Rp. 22.6 trillion (134.37 percent)

- Other legitimate income budget of IDR 3.1 trillion with realization of IDR 1.4 trillion (45.47 percent)

2. Expenditure budget of Rp. 69.9 trillion with realization of Rp. 62 trillion (88.59 percent)